
"What's this?

...there's white things in the air."

Well, yes, there are white things in the air. But they don't concern me all that much. In fact, I'm hoping to make use of them very soon.

Anyway, just wanted to start actually using this blog. My old one was nice - but due to certain RL issues, I'm going to avoid it for blogging purposes.

So the good news is, I had two interviews last week. But, let me just say how much I loathe phone interviews. Now, I'm not the most socially in-tune person, but when dealing with something as important as a job interview I'd like to actually see the person. Oh well, you can't always get what you want. Regardless, I think the phone interview went well; I'll find out after Turkey day if they want to set up a face-to-face. Which brings me to my next interview; it went very well, methinks. Again, I must clench off my piddles of joy until the week after I gorge myself on turkey, 'taters, and beer.

Hopefully I'll be able to liven this page up a bit once I get myself a digital camera - or figure out how to transfer my phone pictures to my computer. Now, work calls.


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