

This is a list, one of those things people of my professional persuaion are compelled to create, of video games which I am drooling over:

For games, that is all. Not many, I know - but perhaps in my old age I am becoming more content with what I have. That and the fact that World of Warcraft continues to supply quite a bit of entertainment since I started the day (night, actually) servers went live. That is all for now.

if i had a shotgun, you know what i'd do?
i'd point that shit straight at the sky
and shoot heaven on down for you
Don't Push by Sublime



Yes - I watch TV from time to time...but CSI is one of the few shows I actually try to watch. The first two episodes of the season were amazing, as always; amazing enough to get two loyal Grey's Anatomy watchers to start taping that doctor-drama and watching some good stuff. Though I have to say...last night, eh. Dead people talking? Quick, disjointed and (much to my dismay) LABELED segments? C'mon Jerry and CSI writers, I know you can do better than that.

Anyway, work is exciting. Next week I'm going to CT to visit some donors and check out some of their other collections with a friend from work. Then, in November, I'm heading to San Diego for some training and I'll be taking a personal day while I'm out there to get some scuba diving in...PUMPED! As my good friend put it (in regards to La Jolla scuba): "people have even died there because of currents and such. if death is involved you know its gotta be cool." Oh yes, it will be cool. Also, I was looking through some of our collection and found some VERY cool drug posters that were used for an old exhibit - AMAZING stuff (one by Rick Griffin!)

i'm lost and i'm found
and i can't touch the ground
i'm plowed into the sound
Plowed by Sponge